i-gel® from Intersurgical: clinical evidence listing

A comprehensive list of all known published clinical evidence on the device

Propofol requirement for insertion of I-gel versus laryngeal mask airway: A comparative dose finding study using Dixon's up-and-down method

Ashay NA, Wasim S, Anil TB. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Jul-Sep;31(3):324-8

This randomised controlled trial compared propofol requirements for i-gel and LMA Classic when inserted 60 seconds after injection. i-gel required a significantly lower dose.

Link to abstract

I-gel Laryngeal Mask Airway Combined with Tracheal Intubation Attenuate Systemic Stress Response in Patients Undergoing Posterior Fossa Surgery.

Tang C, Chai X, Kang F, Huang X, Hou T, Tang F, Li J. Mediators Inflamm. 2015;2015:965925

Patients were allocated to either tracheal tube intubation or i-gel facilitated intubation groups, with haemodynamic profile, oxidative response and aneasthesia recovery parameters measured. Using i-gel combined with an endotracheal tube in this scenario proved safe and effective, 'leading to uneventful recovery'.

Link to abstract