Landsdalen HE, Berge M, Kristensen F, Guttormsen AB, Søfteland E. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2017 Jan;61(1):23-30
An observational study using Tracheal intubation Assisted by Bronchoscopy And Sad during Continuous Oxygenation (TABASCO) method through the i-gel. Easy intubation was secured in all patients with no adverse events recorded.
Link to abstract
Gasteiger L, Brimacombe J, Oswald E, Perkhofer D, Tonin A, Keller C, Tiefenthaler W. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2012; 56(10): 1321-1324
Fifty-one children aged 1.5-6 years, weighing 10-25kg, were studied randomly using either the size 2 LMA ProSeal® or i-gel®. The hypothesis tested was that oropharyngeal leak pressure and fiberoptic position of the airway tube differ between the two devices, with results proving similar.
Link to abstract.
Beylacq L, Bordes M, Semjen F, Cros AM. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2009; 53(3): 376-379
This study evaluated the i-gel® in 50 children above 30kg undergoing short-duration surgery. The parameters measured included: ease of insertion, seal pressure, ease of inserting a gastric tube and post operative complications. The first time insertion success rate was 100%. No laryngeal leak occurred. The mean seal pressure was 24.9cm H20. The authors concluded that i-gel® was very easy to insert and that ‘no learning curve is needed before a high success insertion rate is obtained. The i-gel® appears to be safe for paediatric management’.
Link to abstract.