Arévalo-Ludeña J, Arcas-Bellas JJ, Alvarez-Rementería R, Alameda LE. J Clin Anesth. 2016 Dec;35:287-292
After i-gel insertion in 85 adult patients, general anaesthesia was induced to place an endotracheal tube by fibreoptic bronchoscope. i-gel insertion time, intubation time and oxygen saturation were monitored. Authors conclude this to be a safe and effective technique.
Link to abstract.
Choi CG, Yang KH, Jung JK, Han JU, Lee CS, Cha YD, Song JH. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2015 Oct;68(5):501-4
Report of i-gel used to ventilate a 59-year-old male with rotator cuff syndrome after failed tracheal intubation.
Link to abstract
Sen I, Bhardwaj N, Latha Y. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Oct;30(4):572-3
Use of NPA to aid removal of i-gel was evaluated in 20 adult patients - in 17 the device was inserted at the first attempt. No complications such as gagging and laryngospasm were noted during insertion or removal of i-gel.
Link to abstract