Gatward JJ, Cook TM, Seller C, Handel J, Simpson T, Vanek V, Kelly F. Anaesthesia 2008; 63(10):1124-1130
A study of i-gel® in 100 elective, anaesthetised patients. Parameters assessed included ease of use, positioning, airway quality, seal pressure and complications. First time insertion success was 86%. Median airway leak pressure was 24cm H2O. On fibreoptic examination via the device, the vocal cords were visible in 91% of patients. The incidence of airway obstruction, airway irritation, oropharyngeal trauma and other complications was low. Insertion of the device into the correct position was rapid and easy. The authors concluded that, ‘these attributes would suggest potential roles in anaesthesia, management of the difficult airway and airway management during CPR’. Further studies are now indicated against i-gel®’s likely clinical competitors.
Link to abstract.
Gatward JJ, Thomas MJC, Nolan JP, Cook TM. Br J Anaesth 2008; 100(3): 351-356
In this study, 40 volunteer doctors regularly involved in CPR, were timed inserting four different airway devices, including i-gel® and a tracheal tube, with and without stopping chest compressions. Comparison of the speed of insertion of the different devices during CPR allowed ranking of the devices. The i-gel® was inserted approximately 50% faster than the other devices tested.
Link to abstract.