Tracy MB, Priyadarshi A, Goel D, Lowe K, Huvanandana J, Hinder M. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2018 May;103(3)
This manikin study assessed and compared the delivered ventilation of seven, size 1 LMA devices with two different face masks using self-inflating bags (SIBs). 40 participants carried out resuscitation on a specialised infant training manikin using the LMAs and the face masks in a random fashion. Findings have shown that the i-gel had the highest peak inspiratory pressure and higher PEEP compared to the other devices. In addition, the i-gel showed no insertion failures and all users described it as easy to use. Thus, these results indicate that the i-gel may become the primary resuscitation device used for newborn resuscitation.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Tracy MB,
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed,
Manikin study,
Neonatal resuscitation,
peak inspiratory pressure,
self-inflating bags,
face mask,
I-gel vs face mask
Kim YB, Chang YJ, Jung WS, Byen SH, Jo YY. J Anesth. 2013 Dec;27(6):827-31
After placement of an i-gel device in 40 patients, 20 were ventilated without PEEP while the other half received 5cmH20. Incidences of significent leaks and leak volumes were similar in both groups.
Link to abstract