Sahin A, Tüfek A, Cingü AK, Caça I, Tokgöz O, Balsak S. Pediatr Anesth 2012; 22(8): 772-775
47 children due for eye surgery were administered with sevoflurane or desflurane randomly for anaesthesia. Intraocular pressure was then measured prior to i-gel® insertion, at two and five minutes after insertion, and immediately after removal. Sustained pressure decrease present during procedure, but no significant difference between pre- and post-operative pressure.
Link to abstract.
Senthil Kumar M, Pandey R, Khanna P. Pediatr Anaesth 2009; 19(2): 176-7
This report highlighted the case of a 10-year-old child, weighing 30kg, scheduled for an elective pyeloplasty. A size three i-gel® was inserted and secured after confirming correct placement and a suction catheter inserted down the gastric channel. The child was positioned prone and the correct positioning of i-gel® reconfirmed by appropriate CO2 wave form, absence of audible leak and chest auscultation. At the end of the procedure, the child was returned to a supine position and i-gel® removed after reversal. The patient recovered without any complications.
Link to abstract.