Wetsch WA, Schneider A, Schier R, Spelten O, Hellmich M, Hinkelbein J. Eur J Emerg Med. 2015 Oct;22(5):374-6
Manikin study to assess speed of effective ventilation administered in a simulated motor vehicle accident victim, comparing i-gel against tracheal intubation, Ambu AuraOnce and laryngeal tube. Fastest effective ventilation achieved with i-gel.
Link to abstract
Tags :
Difficult Airways,
Manikin study,
Comparison trial,
Reduced access patient,
Road traffic collision victim,
vs ETT,
vs Ambu,
vs Laryngeal Tube Suction-D,
Fast insertion time,
Speed of insertion,
European Journal of Emergency Medicine
Singh J, Yadav MK, Marahatta SB, Shrestha BL. Indian J Anaesth 2012; 56(4): 348-52
Prospective, crossover, randomised trial of i-gel® against cLMA on 48 post-burn neck contracture patients with reduced neck movement and mouth opening. Primary outcome was overall success rate, with other measurements taken in time to ventilation, leak pressure, fibreoptic view and visualisation of square wave pattern. Success rate for i-gel® was 91.7%, against 79.2% for cLMA. i-gel® outperformed cLMA in all measurements. Authors conclude their study has ‘better clinical performance in the difficult airway management of the airway in the post burn contracture of the neck’.
Abstract text