Sanuki T, Uda R, Sugioka S, Daigo E, Son H, Akatsuka M, Kotani J. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011 Aug;28(8):597-9
20 adult patients scheduled for oral surgery were ventilated using the i-gel®. Leak pressure, ventilation score and fibreoptic view were measured with the patient’s head and neck in neutral position, extended position, flexion and rotated to the right. Leak pressure was higher during flexion, lower during extension and comparable to neutral position during rotation. Ventilation score was significantly worse during flexion. Fibreoptic view was not affected by head and neck position. The authors recommend that the i-gel® is not used in cases where head and neck flexion is likely, but they state that it is otherwise suitable for surgery where the head is moved.
Link to abstract.