Navigation tips
With over 250 pieces of evidence now published on the i-gel, the aim of this database is to give you an easily navigable central hub of clinical studies. We've therefore tried to make it as easy as possible to find the study, scenario or setting you need using one of the three following methods:
Search box

The search bar does just that - allows you to enter search terms to bring up relevant studies.

Each study is allocated categories, spanning anaesthesia to resuscitation. Clicking on one of these categories will give you a tailored list of studies from that clinical setting.

Using the tags gives the most defined search, allowing you to filter down the list of studies to those covering the year of publication, scenario, patient type, journal, author, comparable device and more. For example if you wish to see studies published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, or comparison trials against LMA Supreme, simply click the relevant tag.