Moore A, Gregoire-Bertrand F, Massicotte N, Gauthier A, Lallo A, Ruel M, Todorov A, Girard F. Anesth Analg. 2015 Aug;121(2):430-6
120 patients were randomly assigned to i-gel or LMA Fastrach groups, with tracheal intubation and mask insertion success rate measured. Use of i-gel as a conduit in this scenario is equivalent to Fastrach, however gives shorter intubation times and a better visualisation of the glottic opening.
Link to abstract
Halgawi A, Massicotte N, Lallo A, Gauthier A, Boudreault D, Ruel M, Girard F. Anesth Analg. 2012; 114(1): 152-156
160 patients were randomised for blind intubation via i-gel® or LMA Fastrach®. First attempt and overall success rates were recorded and time to intubation was measured.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Halgawi A,,
Anesth Analg,
blind intubation,
vs LMA Fastrach,
Tracheal intubation,
Keijzer Ch, Buitelaar DR, Efthymiou KM, Sramek M, Ten Cate J, Ronday M, Stoppa T, Huitink JM, Schutte PF. Anesth Analg. 2009; 109(4): 1092-1095
This study from the department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital and the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam compared the rate of postoperative sore throat and neck complaints with i-gel® to a well known brand of laryngeal mask. Patients were interviewed postoperatively at 1hr, 24hrs and 48 hrs. The authors found significantly lower levels of sore throat with i-gel®, as well as lower levels of dysphagia.
Link to abstract.
Michalek P, Hodgkinson P, Donaldson W. Anesth Analg 2008; 106(5): 1501-1504
This case study describes successful fibreoptic guided tracheal intubation through the i-gel® in two uncooperative adult patients with learning disability and predicted difficult airway. The i-gel® maintained the airway immediately after induction, allowing oxygenation and ventilation. Fibreoptic identification of the laryngeal inlet was successful on the first attempt and a tracheal tube inserted into the trachea, without complication, in both patients.
Link to abstract.
Richez B, Saltel L, Banchereau F, Torrielli R, Cros AM. Anesth Analg. 2008; 106(4): 1137-9
This study on 71 ASA I-II women scheduled for gynaecological surgery, reported a 97% insertion success rate with i-gel®. Mean seal pressure was 30cm H2O. A gastric tube was inserted in 100% of cases. Only one case of coughing and sore throat occurred. The authors concluded that ‘the i-gel® is a reliable, easily inserted airway device that provides an adequate seal with a low morbidity rate.’
Link to abstract.