Häske D, Schempf B, Gaier G, Niederberger C. Resuscitation 2013; 84(9): 1229-32
This observational study of i-gel® use during CPR assessed ease of insertion, ventilation quality, leak and whether ventilation was possible without chest compression interruption. Insertions were attempted by 63 paramedics and seven emergency physicians in pre-hospital CPR, with an overall 90% first-attempt insertion success rate. Insertion was reported as easy in 80% of cases, with the same figure representing cases with no leak recorded. In 74% of cases, continuous chest compression was still possible. The authors say that, ‘the i-gel is an easy supraglottic device to insert and enables adequate ventilation during CPR’.
Link to abstract
Soar J. Resuscitation 2013; 84(9): 1163-4
An editorial on the controversy when deciding the timing of an airway, ventilation intervention, optimal technique and what different types of rescuer should do.
Abstract text