Nolan JP, Soar J. Curr Opin Crit Care 2008; 14(3): 279-286
This review by Jerry Nolan and Jasmeet Soar discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of airway management during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the role of ventilation during out-of-hospital CPR. In the section on supraglottic airways, i-gel® was one of a number of devices mentioned. It confirmed that the ease of insertion of the i-gel® and its favourable leak pressure make it ‘theoretically very attractive as a resuscitation device for those inexperienced in tracheal intubation’. It also confirmed further study was required.
Link to abstract.
Thompson J, O’Neill S. Br J Hosp Med 2008; 69(5): 303
This review article compares supraglottic airways to tracheal intubation for laparoscopic surgery. Evidence gathered so far indicates that supraglottic airways such as the i-gel® produce adequate ventilation and pressures with a reduced risk of complications such as aspiration. The authors state that further investigation should take place to determine whether these devices can be used in obese patients during laparoscopic procedures.
Link to abstract.