Lee YC, Yoon KS, Park SY, Choi SR, Chung CJ. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2018 Feb;71(1):37-42.
In this study the performance of the i-gel and the LMA Supreme was evaluated in infants (ASA I and II) undergoing general anaesthesia. 60 patients were randomly assigned to the i-gel and the LMAS and the size of the devices was selected in accordance to the infant’s weight. A range of parameters including oropharyngeal leak pressure (primary outcome), fiberoptic view, airway quality, airway manipulations, insertion success rate and time (secondary outcomes) were investigated to determine the efficacy and safety of the two devices. Insertion time was shorter for the i-gel group.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Lee YC,
Korean J Anesthesiol,
paediatric anaesthesia,
vs LMA Supreme,
oropharyngeal leak pressure,
fibreoptic view,
airway manipulations,
Insertion success rate
L'Hermite J, Dubout E, Bouvet S, Bracoud LH, Cuvillon P, Coussaye JE, Ripart J. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2017 Jul;34(7):417-424
Comparison of the incidence of sore throat in 546 patients following use of LMA Unique, LMA Supreme and the i-gel. Primary outcome was incidence 24 hours postoperatively. Authors concluded that recordings were not significantly different between the three devices.
Link to abstract
Metterlein T, Dintenfelder A, Plank C, Graf B, Roth G. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2017 Mar - Apr;67(2):166-171
Random assignment of 52 adult patients to different supraglottic devices, from: Laryngeal Tube, LMA, i-gel, LMA Unique, LMA Supreme and Aura-once. After successful ventilation, device positioning was examined to assess glottic opening. Glottic view ranged from 40% for Laryngeal Tube to 90%, with i-gel recording 70%.
Link to abstract.
An J, Nam SB, Lee JS, Lee J, Yoo H, Lee HM, Kim MS. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jan;96(1):e5801
Authors conducted a specialised search of study databases for eligible randomised controlled trials, setting device insertion time and first-attempt insertion success rate as their primary outcomes. In the 14 RCTs included, i-gel was faster than the majority of other supraglottic airways, with only three others recording shorter insertion times. Authors concluded that the 'unapparent advantage' of insertion success rate indicated the need for further evidence gathering in this area.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
An J,
Medicine (Baltimore),
Insertion success rate,
Fast insertion time,
vs LMA,
vs LMA Fastrach,
vs ProSeal,
vs LMA Unique,
vs Laryngeal tube ,
vs Combitube,
vs EasyTube,
vs LMA Supreme,
vs aura-i,
vs air-Q,
Manikin study
Liew GH, Yu ED, Shah SS, Kothandan H. Singapore Med J 2016; 57(8): 432-437
150 adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia were randomly assigned to 3 groups for ventilation via one of the SADs. Speed and ease of insertion, ease of gastric tube insertion, amount of gastric contents drained, leak pressure, and complications were all recorded. Patients were interviewed 1 and 24h after surgery to determine the incidence and severity of sore throat, hoarseness and dysphagia.
Link to abstract.