Michalek P, Magboul MM, Toker K, Donaldson W, Ozaki M. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:1965623
A special issue of the journal focusing on the progress, innovations and controversies in perioperative airway management.
Link to abstract
Arévalo-Ludeña J, Arcas-Bellas JJ, Alvarez-Rementería R, Alameda LE. J Clin Anesth. 2016 Dec;35:287-292
85 patients with at least three difficult airway predictors were included, with insertion time, intubation time and oxygen saturation outcomes measured, amongst others. No serious adverse events were recorded and no airway damage reported. Authors conclude that fibreoptic-guided intubation through the i-gel is a 'safe and effective' technique.
Link to abstract.
Michálek P, Donaldson W, McAleavey F, Abraham A, Mathers RJ, Telford C. Prague Med Rep. 2016;117(4):164-175
Comparative study of three supraglottic airways as conduits in patients with predicted difficult laryngoscopy. Primary outcome measure was success rate of tracheal intubation through the device. No statistical difference was recorded in success rates between devices, however i-gel proved quicker to insert compared to ILMA and the intubation time was shorter compared to CTrach. i-gel is a suitable alternative to sILMA and CTrach in this scenario, and the shorter times recorded may provide an advantage in cases of difficult oxygenation.
Link to abstract.
Fujiwara A, Komasawa N, Minami T. J Anesth. 2016;30(3):542
Randomised controlled trial of 70 patients divided into two groups by height: low (4cm), and high (12cm). Performed by novice doctors, insertion efficacy difference between groups did not differ.
Link to abstract
Radhika KS, Sripriya R, Ravishankar M, Hemanth Kumar VR, Jaya V, Parthasarathy S. Anesth Essays Res. 2016;10(1):88-93
Patients were split into i-gel and LMA Supreme groups, with insertion attempts, time and any manoeuvres needed forming outcomes, along with peak inspiratory pressure (PIP). LMA-S was inserted successfully in more patients, but with no significant difference in PIP.
Link to abstract