Saracoglu KT, Demir A, Pehlivan G, Saracoglu A, Eti Z. Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther. 2018 Sep 17
This prospective clinical trial assessed and compared the airway leak pressure and the fiberoptic view of the i-gel in both supine and lateral positions. Moreover, the impact of the i-gel insertion on haemodynamics was also monitored. 100 patients undergoing saturation biopsy were intubated with the i-gel in the supine position, which was subsequently changed to lateral position. Several measurements were taken after intubation and change of position, which included mean arterial pressure, heart rate, peripheral O2 saturation and end-tidal CO2. Furthermore, number of insertion attempts, insertion time, oropharyngeal leak pressure (OLP), and device placement were also recorded. The i-gel was successfully inserted in 88 patients on the first attempt and the insertion time was circa 8 seconds. Moreover, the OLP (27.45 mm Hg supine and 26.04 in lateral position) and fiberoptic view were comparable in both positions. Hence, the i-gel can be safely employed in both supine and lateral positions.
Link to abstract.
Alzahem AM, Aqil M, Alzahrani TA, Aljazaeri AH. Saudi Med J. 2017 May;38(5):482-490
Randomised assignment of 112 patients to either AuraOnce or i-gel groups in which oropharyngeal leak pressure, ease of insertion and fibreoptic viewing were measured. i-gel recorded more favourable leak pressures and superior fibreoptic viewing.
Link to abstract.
Nirupa R, Gombar S, Ahuja V, Sharma P. Indian J Anaesth. 2016 Oct;60(10):726-731
Prospective, randomised controlled study on 100 patients, with the primary outcome being leak pressure assessed at five minutes. i-gel recorded 'superior' pressure and shorter insertion times compared to ProSeal.
Link to abstract
Maitra S, Baidya DK, Arora MK, Bhattacharjee S, Khanna P. J Clin Anesth. 2016 Sep;33:298-305
Meta-analysis of 10 RCTs to assess results when comparing the oropharyngeal leak pressure of each device. LMA ProSeal returned more favourable results, although i-gel deemed easier to insert. ProSeal also reported higher blood staining.
Link to abstract.
Liew GH, Yu ED, Shah SS, Kothandan H. Singapore Med J 2016; 57(8): 432-437
150 adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia were randomly assigned to 3 groups for ventilation via one of the SADs. Speed and ease of insertion, ease of gastric tube insertion, amount of gastric contents drained, leak pressure, and complications were all recorded. Patients were interviewed 1 and 24h after surgery to determine the incidence and severity of sore throat, hoarseness and dysphagia.
Link to abstract.