Gasteiger L, Brimacombe J, Oswald E, Perkhofer D, Tonin A, Keller C, Tiefenthaler W. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2012; 56(10): 1321-1324
Fifty-one children aged 1.5-6 years, weighing 10-25kg, were studied randomly using either the size 2 LMA ProSeal® or i-gel®. The hypothesis tested was that oropharyngeal leak pressure and fiberoptic position of the airway tube differ between the two devices, with results proving similar.
Link to abstract.
Nishiyama T, Kohno Y, Kim HJ, Shin WJ, Yang HS. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2012; 30(9): 1756- 1759
180 patients were randomised into two equal groups, one for insertion of i-gel® at room temperature, the other at 37 degrees centigrade. Insertion time, number of insertion attempts, inspiratory and leak pressures, and leak fraction were compared. Report found no significant difference between the two groups.
Abstract text