Ruetzler K, Gruber C, Nabecker S, Wohlfarth P, Priemayr A, Frass M, Kimberger O, Sessler D, Roessler B. Resuscitation 2011; 82(8): 1060-1063
After an audio-visual lecture and practical demonstration, 40 voluntary emergency medical technicians with limited airway management experience were recruited to perform airway management with six devices, including the i-gel®, during sustained compressions on manikins. Hands-off time was significantly longer when inserting a traditional endotracheal tube, whereas the supraglottic devices were inserted successfully on each occasion.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Ruetzler K,,
Emergency medicine,
emergency medicine technicians,
Manikin study,
vs Combitube,
vs ETI,
vs ETT,
vs EasyTube,
vs Laryngeal tube ,
vs LMA,
Chest compressions,
Hands-off time,
Airway management
Sanuki T, Uda R, Sugioka S, Daigo E, Son H, Akatsuka M, Kotani J. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011 Aug;28(8):597-9
20 adult patients scheduled for oral surgery were ventilated using the i-gel®. Leak pressure, ventilation score and fibreoptic view were measured with the patient’s head and neck in neutral position, extended position, flexion and rotated to the right. Leak pressure was higher during flexion, lower during extension and comparable to neutral position during rotation. Ventilation score was significantly worse during flexion. Fibreoptic view was not affected by head and neck position. The authors recommend that the i-gel® is not used in cases where head and neck flexion is likely, but they state that it is otherwise suitable for surgery where the head is moved.
Link to abstract.
Theiler L, Kleine-Brueggeney M, Urwyler N, Graf T, Luyet C, Greif R. Br J Anaesth 2011; 107(2): 243-250
A prospective, randomised, controlled trial comparing the success rate of blind tracheal intubation with a Magill PVC tube through i-gel®. Corresponding tracheal tube was introduced under fibreoptic visualization, but without guidance. Primary outcome was intubation success rate.
Abstract text
Corso RM, Piraccini E, Agnoletti V, Baccanelli M, Coffa A, Gambale G. Minerva Anaestesiol 2011; 77(8): 852-3
The i-gel® was used in eight patients for tracheostomy. Patients were extubated and the ET tube was replaced with the i-gel®. A percutaneous tracheostomy kit was then advanced to the second tracheal ring and the procedure was performed. Arterial pressure, PaO2/FiO2, minute ventilation and airway pressure were measured before, during and after tracheostomy. There were no significant differences in ventilatory and haemodynamic parameters. Use of the i-gel® was successful in seven of eight patients. The i-gel® provided better views of the glottis compared to the cLMA and ventilation was comparable to the ET tube. Large trials must take place to determine whether a one in eight failure rate remains.
Abstract text