Sharma S, Rogers R, Popat M. Anaesthesia 2007; 62(4): 412-423
This case report concerns use of an i-gel® on a teenage patient scheduled for closure of colostomy. Two years previously he had a grade 3 (Cormack & Lehane) view at laryngoscopy. On this occasion there were no clinical features to predict difficult intubation.Laryngoscopy revealed a grade 4 view. Two attempts at tracheal intubation with a gum elastic bougie failed. A cLMA® was inserted. Despite providing satisfactory ventilation, two attempts at fibreoptic intubation through the device failed. A size 4 i-gel® was inserted and satisfactory ventilation achieved. After fibreoptic confirmation of a good view of the vocal cords, a size 6.5mm cuffed tracheal tube was successfully passed through the i-gel® blindly into the trachea at the first attempt. The i-gel® was left in place until extubation.
Link to abstract.