Tiesmeier J, Emmerich M. Minerva Anestesiol. 2013 Feb;79(2):212-3
Three case studies where an i-gel® was used in an emergency situation are presented on the back of the authors’ previous knowledge that this SAD has ‘advantageous characteristics’, including quick insertion time, good seal pressures and high success rates. Cases were: a ‘violent’ but sedated male patient; a 69-year-old patient suffering a cerebral seizure; and an unconscious and intoxicated patient found at home. Regurgitation and aspiration were not seen in any case. Authors conclude that, alongside other pre-clinical emergency situations, i-gel® can be used in cases of sustained spontaneous breathing, and ‘could be considered for extended use outside the hospital’.
Link to abstract.
Nolan JP, Ornato JP, Parr MJA, Perkins GD, Soar J. Resuscitation 2013; 84(2): 129-36
A summary of the key papers published across the full spectrum of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Abstract text
Sen I, Bhardwaj N, Latha YS. J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2013; 29: 128-9
Case reported of tongue folding during procedure on a 30-year-old woman. Usual insertion technique did not provide a patent airway, so the authors confirm they used a reverse technique - proving successful. Authors conclude the technique was atraumatic and may be a suitable back-up.
Abstract text
Jagannathan N, Sommers K, Sohn LE, Sawardekar A, Shah RD, Mukherji II, Miller S, Voronov P, Seraphin S. Paediatr Anaesth.; 23(2): 127-33
Total of 170 children were assigned to either the i-gel® or LMA Supreme®, with leak pressure the primary outcome measured. Secondary evaluations included insertion time, insertion success rate, fibreoptic view and complications, to name a few. Resulting median leak pressure was higher with i-gel® and the authors conclude it could be a ‘useful alternative to the Supreme®’.
Link to abstract.