Ohchi F, Komasawa N, Imagawa K, Okamoto K, Minami T. J Anesth. 2015 Dec;29(6):887-92
15 novice doctors and 17 with >2 years experience were asked to insert each airway device into a manikin in random order. This was done in a windowless room with all the lights on and again with the lights switched off. Insertion time, insertion success, and participant's own perception of ease of use were all recorded. Ventilation success was lower in both groups when using the ProSeal and cLMA in the dark. Insertion time for these devices was longer in the dark, an effect that was also seen in both groups. Both ProSeal and cLMA were rated as more difficult to use in the dark compared with light conditions and with other devices. These results are thought to be due to the difference in design between these airways and the others used in the study, which are stiffer and anatomically shaped.
Link to abstract
Tags :
Ohchi F,
J Anesth,
Airway management,
Prehospital airway management,
Difficult Airways,
Novice users,
vs ProSeal,
vs LMA,
vs LMA Supreme,
vs Laryngeal tube ,
vs air-Q,
Manikin study,
No light
Michalek P, Donaldson W, Vobrubova E, Hakl M. Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015: 746560
Review highlighting the complications that may arise from the use of supraglottic airways, including aspiration and regurgitation of gastric contents, compression of vascular structures and nerve injury.
Link to abstract
Ghai B, Sethi S, Bansal D, Ram J. J Clin Anesth. 2015;27(8):627-31
Patients were randomly assigned to i-gel size 2 or LMA Classic size 2 groups, with target end-tidal sevoflurane concentration maintained for 8-10 minutes before insertion. This concentration was decreased in subsequent patients depending on response according to Dixon method. Authors conclude i-gel insertion can be accomplished at nearly half the concentration required for LMA Classic.
Link to abstract
Jain D, Ghai B, Bala I, Gandhi K, Banerjee G. Paediatr Anaesth. 2015;25(12):1248-53
30 children induced with sevoflurane in oxygen and administered atracurium intravenously. Oropharyngeal leak pressure in neutral, maximum flexion and maximum extension were primary outcomes measured. In extreme flexion of head and neck, caution is warranted during ventilation.
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