Beylacq L, Bordes M, Semjen F, Cros AM. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2009; 53(3): 376-379
This study evaluated the i-gel® in 50 children above 30kg undergoing short-duration surgery. The parameters measured included: ease of insertion, seal pressure, ease of inserting a gastric tube and post operative complications. The first time insertion success rate was 100%. No laryngeal leak occurred. The mean seal pressure was 24.9cm H20. The authors concluded that i-gel® was very easy to insert and that ‘no learning curve is needed before a high success insertion rate is obtained. The i-gel® appears to be safe for paediatric management’.
Link to abstract.
Park SK, Choi GJ, Choi YS, Ahn EJ, Kang H
During the meta-analysis, 12 studies were evaluated to find no significant differences in first attempt success rate, leak pressure and quality of fibreoptic view between the devices. i-gel had a shorter insertion time and lower blood staining incidence, sore throat reports and dysphagia.
Link to abstract