Gatward JJ, Thomas MJC, Nolan JP, Cook TM. Br J Anaesth 2008; 100(3): 351-356
In this study, 40 volunteer doctors regularly involved in CPR, were timed inserting four different airway devices, including i-gel® and a tracheal tube, with and without stopping chest compressions. Comparison of the speed of insertion of the different devices during CPR allowed ranking of the devices. The i-gel® was inserted approximately 50% faster than the other devices tested.
Link to abstract.
Michalek P, Hodgkinson P, Donaldson W. Anesth Analg 2008; 106(5): 1501-1504
This case study describes successful fibreoptic guided tracheal intubation through the i-gel® in two uncooperative adult patients with learning disability and predicted difficult airway. The i-gel® maintained the airway immediately after induction, allowing oxygenation and ventilation. Fibreoptic identification of the laryngeal inlet was successful on the first attempt and a tracheal tube inserted into the trachea, without complication, in both patients.
Link to abstract.