Moore A, Gregoire-Bertrand F, Massicotte N, Gauthier A, Lallo A, Ruel M, Todorov A, Girard F. Anesth Analg. 2015 Aug;121(2):430-6
120 patients were randomly assigned to i-gel or LMA Fastrach groups, with tracheal intubation and mask insertion success rate measured. Use of i-gel as a conduit in this scenario is equivalent to Fastrach, however gives shorter intubation times and a better visualisation of the glottic opening.
Link to abstract
Sanket B, Ramavakoda CY,Nishtala MR, Ravishankar CK, Ganigara A. AANA J. 2015 Aug;83(4):275-80
Study to compare efficacy of each device on patients aged up to 10 years. Ease of insertion, time to insertion and oropharyngeal leak pressure were some of the measurements taken. Insertion time was significantly faster with i-gel.
Link to abstract