Arévalo-Ludeña J, Arcas-Bellas JJ, Alvarez-Rementería R, Alameda LE. J Clin Anesth. 2016 Dec;35:287-292
After i-gel insertion in 85 adult patients, general anaesthesia was induced to place an endotracheal tube by fibreoptic bronchoscope. i-gel insertion time, intubation time and oxygen saturation were monitored. Authors conclude this to be a safe and effective technique.
Link to abstract.
Pejovic NJ, Trevisanuto D, Nankunda JJ, Tylleskar T. Acta Paediatr. 2016 Dec;105(12):1440-1443
After brief training, 25 participants attempted insertion, with success rate and insertion time recorded. i-gel achieved 100% insertion success rate and was more effective than the face mask in establishing PPV.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Pejovic N,
Acta Paediatr,
Neonatal resuscitation,
vs face mask,
Low resource,
Manikin study
Gupta K, Rastogi B, Gupta PK, Singh I, Singh VP, Jain M. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2016 Dec;69(6):573-578.
Sixty female patients split in to equal groups, one receiving a dexmedetomidine dose, the other saline as control. Patients receiving the dose infusion showed significantly less bleeding in the surgical field.
Link to abstract.