Weil G, Matysiak J, Guye ML, Eghiaian A, Bourgain JL. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 2014 Sep-Oct;33(9-10):508-13
Using LMA Unique as a reference, cost efficacy comparisons were made against i-gel, Ambu AuraOnce and LMA Supreme. Conclusions suggested that latest generation devices are still expensive despite low rate of complications.
Link to abstract
Joly N, Poulin LP, Tanoubi I, Drolet P, Donati F, St-Pierre P. Can J Anaesth. 2014 Sep;61(9):794-800
100 patients were randomised between the two device groups, with 92% inserted successfully in both. i-gel recorded a shorter insertion time and higher incidence of complete vocal chord visualisation.
Link to abstract
Sastre JA, Cordovilla R, Jiménez MF, López T. Can J Anaesth. 2014 Sep;61(9):886-8
Letter indicating that use of the i-gel provides an optimum conduit for performing this technique and allows for control of bleeding complications when used with the Arndt blocker.
Link to abstract
Matsunami S, Komasawa N, Minami T. J Clin Anesth. 2014 Sep;26(6):509-10
Case report of an obese patient with difficult airway inserted with an i-gel following failed facemask ventilation. After using a combination of I-gel and facemask ventilation improved sufficiently due to device's fit to the larynx.
Link to abstract