Magne C, Pichenot V, Didier P, Bérard L, Lejus-Bourdeau C. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2016 Sep 23
Size 1 and 1.5 were used in this study on patients under the age of two. Successful insertion at the first attempt was recorded in 75% of cases.
Link to abstract
Taylor J, Black S, Brett S, Kirby K, Nolan JP, Reeves BC, Robinson M, Rogers CA, Scott LJ, South A, Stokes EA, Thomas M, Voss S, Wordsworth S, Benger JR. Resuscitation. 2016 Sep 30. pii: S0300-9572(16)30476-2
Patient enrollment began in June 2015 for this study comparing the use by paramedics of the i-gel against endotracheal intubation in OHCA in the UK. The primary outcome is the modified Rankin Scale score at hospital discharge. The trial will enrol 9070 patients over two years.
Link to abstract.
Saito T, Chew ST, Liu WL, Thinn KK, Asai T, Ti LK. Br J Anaesth. 2016 Sep; 117 Suppl 1: i83-i86
By using previously reported derivation data, a score was validated in 5532 patients ranging between 0 and 7 points. Under this format, the authors conclude the scoring system to be easy to perform and reliable.
Link to abstract.
Byon HJ, Song J, Shinn HK, Song K, Lee C, Lim H. Minerva Anestesiol. 2016 Sep;82(9):950-6
Patients were randomly assigned to either the i-gel or intubation group and induced using propofol or sevoflurane. Peak QTc interval was lowever in the i-gel group. Authors conclude the i-gel 'may be advantageous' to patients at risk of QTc prolongation.
Link to abstract
Vaidya S, Kundra P, Gopalakrishnan S, Parida P, Yuvaraj K, Mohan PM. J Voice. 2016 Sep;30(5):631-7
90 adult patients were randomly assigned to LMA Proseal and i-gel groups, with voice evaluated using perceptive and acousitc analysis. In both groups voice results deteriorated comparably.
Link to abstract