Stroumpoulis K, Isaia C, Bassiakou E, Pantazapoulos I, Troupis G, Mazarakis A, Demestiha T, Xanthos T. Eur J Emerg Med 2011; 19(1): 24-7
116 volunteer doctors were assigned to either a novice or experienced group depending on their level of LMA® insertion experience. After a brief training session the volunteers were randomly allocated to insertion of the cLMA and i-gel® in a manikin. Success rate, insertion time and perceived ease of use were recorded. Success rate on the first attempt was significantly higher with the i-gel® in both user groups. The i-gel® produced similar success rates for novices and experienced users, but the cLMA had a lower success rate amongst novices. All insertions were successful by the second attempt. Insertion time was significantly shorter with the i-gel®, although the authors note that this may be due to the lack of an inflatable cuff.
Abstract text
Woodall NM, Cook TM. Br J Anaesth 2011; 106 (2): 266-271
There are 309 NHS hospitals that carry out surgery. In this study, a volunteer from each of these hospitals reported the main airway management technique used in every general anaesthetic within a specified two-week period. This data was then used to estimate the annual use of various airway devices. The total number of procedures was 114,904, leading to an annual estimate of 2.9 million. Supraglottic airways were used in 56.2% of cases. The i-gel® was the second most popular choice of supraglottic airway with 4,574 cases. This equates to 7.1% of supraglottic airways and 4% of all devices used.
Abstract text