Lopez NT, McCoy SK, Carroll C, Jones E, Miller JA. Mil Med. 2018 Jun 19 [Epub ahead of print]
Prospective crossover study on cadavers to measure airway exchange on three pre-placed supraglottic airways: King LT, i-gel and LMA Unique. Participants, recruited from emergency medical personnel in a training lab, rated the difficulty level of placement of each airway device. Successful exchange equalled proper placement of the ETT in the trachea. Authors conclude the i-gel superior for blind airway exchange with an ETT in this set up.
Link to abstract.
Liew GH, Yu ED, Shah SS, Kothandan H. Singapore Med J 2016; 57(8): 432-437
150 adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia were randomly assigned to 3 groups for ventilation via one of the SADs. Speed and ease of insertion, ease of gastric tube insertion, amount of gastric contents drained, leak pressure, and complications were all recorded. Patients were interviewed 1 and 24h after surgery to determine the incidence and severity of sore throat, hoarseness and dysphagia.
Link to abstract.
Piegeler T, Roessler B, Goliasch G, Fischer H, Schlaepfer M, Lang S, Ruetzler K. Resuscitation 2016 May;102:70-4
Randomised human cadaver study comparing Laryngeal Tube, EasyTube, LMA Classic, i-gel, ETI and BVM effect on protection against regurgitation and aspiration during CPR. Five minutes of CPR was administered according to 2010 European Resuscitation Council Guidelines. Aspiration was detected in two out of five cadavers with i-gel, while none were recorded when using ETI. Study provides experimental evidence that ETI offers superior protection during CPR.
Link to abstract
Tags :
vs Laryngeal tube ,
vs EasyTube,
vs LMA,
vs ETI,
vs BVM
Kayhan GE, Begec Z, Sanli M, Gedik E, Durmus M. ScientificWorldJournal. 2015;2015:426186
50 patients were split between the two groups, with airway leak pressure the primary outcome measured. No significant differences were found here, however i-gel insertion time was shorter.
Link to abstract
Schmidbauer W, Genzwürker H, Ahlers O, Proquitte H, Kerner T. Br J Anaesth 2012; 109(3): 454-8
This, the first data collection study on the extent of oesophageal insufflation when oropharyngeal leak pressures are exceeded, used the i-gel® inserted into cadavers. Compared alongside LMA Supreme®, LMA ProSeal®, LTS-DTM, LTS IITM and Combitube®, performance was measured in a surgically-closed trachea to replicate total airway obstruction. Volume of insufflation from controlled ventilation was measured at inspirator pressures of 20, 40 and 60 mbar, with the former producing no insufflation with any device.
Abstract link
Tags :
Schmidbauer W,,
Br J Anaesth,
vs LMA Supreme,
vs ProSeal,
vs LTS-D,
vs LTS-II,
vs Combitube,
oesophogeal insufflation,
positive pressure ventilation,