Salmen M, Ewy G, Sasson C. BMJ Open 2012; 3: 2(5)
Collating data from 12 observational studies on the topic, covering both guidelines, the aim was to investigate the effect of both methods of treatment on cardiac arrest patients. Authors concluded that there is an ‘association with improved survival’ when cardiocerebral (CCR) protocols or 2005 Guidelines are compared with older versions, and that CCR appears to be a ‘promising resuscitation protocol for Emergency Medical Services’.
Abstract text
Tags :
Salmen M,,
BMJ Open,
Cardiocerebral resuscitation,
Emergency medicine,
cardiac arrest,
Emmerich M, Tiesmeier J. Minerva Anestesiol 2012; 78(10): 1169-70
A 69-year-old man with a history of difficult intubation could not be intubated via conventional bronchoscopy. Different ETT sizes and airway manoeuvres were tried without success, until the bronchoscope was properly placed through a size 5 i-gel. Operation was completed without complication and the patient reported no neck discomfort or difficulty breathing.
Abstract text
Mitra S, Das B, Jamil SN. North American Journal Of Medical Sciences 2012; 4(10): 453-7
Investigation on the usefulness of paediatric i-gel® size 2.5 against the PLMA equivalent in 60 randomly assigned patients due for anaesthetised elective surgery. Leak pressure was the primary outcome recorded, with further results for ease of insertion, hemodynamic data and postoperative complications also measured. Most areas offered no significant difference, although i-gel® proved easier to insert and recorded a higher leak pressure. Due to author-defined parameters such as cost-effectiveness, they deduce that i-gel® ‘must be more frequently used’.
Link to abstract.