Sood S, Saxena A, Thakur A, Chahar S. Saudi J Anaesth. 2019 Oct-Dec; 13(4): 290–294.
This prospective randomised study aimed to compare the performance of two supraglottic airway devices (SADs) the i-gel and LMA Fastrach when performing fiberoptic-guided intubation in adult paralysed patients. 60 patients were randomly assigned to either i-gel or LMA Fastrach. Several parameters were assessed, which included ease and time taken for fiberoptic-guided intubation (primary outcome), time taken for successful SAD placement, ease of insertion, ease and time of removal, as well as haemodynamic parameters and postoperative complication (secondary outcomes). Findings demonstrated that the Fastrach had a faster tracheal intubation and higher airway sealing pressure. On the other hand, the ETT was easier to insert when using the i-gel as compared to the Fastrach. Haemodynamic parameters were comparable between both devices. In addition, post removal complications were observed in either devices. Therefore, both devices are comparable in terms of performance and efficacy facilitating fiberoptic-guided intubation in adult paralysed patients.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Saudi J Anaesth,
Sood S,
Fibreoptic intubation,
fibreoptic ,
LMA Fastrach,
airway rescue device,
Conduit for intubation,
intubating laryngeal mask airway,
Tracheal intubation,
ease of insertion