Henlin T, Sotak M, Kovaricek P, Tyll T, Balcarek L, Michalek P. Biomed Res Int. 2015;201
Prospective, randomised, single-blinded study comparing five supraglottic airway devices (ProSeal LMA, Supreme LMA, SLIPA, Laryngeal Tube Suction-D and i-gel) in low light conditions on 505 patients after induction of general anaesthesia. Insertion time was shortest in Supreme LMA and i-gel groups.
Link to abstract
Tags :
Difficult Airways,
Comparison trial,
vs ProSeal,
vs LMA Supreme,
vs Laryngeal Tube Suction-D,
Armed Forces,
Low light,
General Anaesthesia,
Low insertion time,
Novice users,
Biomed Res Int,
Yokota T, Asai T, Okuda Y. Masui. 2015 Mar;64(3):307-9
Successful report of i-gel maintaining a clear airway during tracheostomy.
Link to abstract
Pournajafian A, Alimian M, Rokhtabnak F, Ghodraty M, Mojri M. Anesth Pain Med. 2015 Mar 30;5(2):e22068
A single-blind randomised trial on 61 patients allocated into i-gel and LMA Classic groups. Airway placement was categorised into three groups: first, second and third attempts. Success rate, insertion time and postoperative complications were measured. i-gel a 'good alternative' to cLMA in this scenario.
Link to abstract
Galderisi A, De Bernardo G, Lorenzon E, Trevisanuto D. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Mar 25;2015
Successful report of an infant resuscitated at birth using a size 1 i-gel, positioned by a trainee paediatrician at first attempt, after failed face-mask ventilation.
Link to abstract