Duckett J, Fell P, Han K, Kimber C, Taylor C. Emerg Med J. 2014 Jun;31(6):505-7
Clinical review of the advanced airway management techniques within the North East Ambulance Service in the UK. i-gel a popular choice for airway management during prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation, giving higher successful insertion rates than endotracheal tube. Authors conclude that they anticipate i-gel will be the first choice device for use in prehospital cardiac arrest.
Link to abstract
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Duckett J ,
Emerg Med J,
Ambulance service,
Emergency medicine,
Prehospital airway management,
vs ETT
Schunk D, Ritzka M, Graf B, Trabold B. Emerg Med J 2012; 0: 1–4
66 healthcare professionals of differing experience in paediatric airway management participated in a study comparing laryngeal masks, i-gel® and laryngeal tube. Separated into three groups and after brief training in each, the participants were asked to place the device. Positioning and time to insert were recorded. Results show that i-gel® is superior to both laryngeal mask and laryngeal tube under these circumstances.
Link to abstract.
Castle N, Owen R, Hann M, Naidoo R, Reeves D. Emerg Med J 2010; 27(11): 860-86
In this study, 36 final-year paramedic students were randomised into one of six groups, each of which inserted three airway devices into a manikin in a different order. The devices used were the i-gel®, the laryngeal mask airway and the Laryngeal Tube airway. The students were timed while performing each insertion and interviewed afterwards to determine which device they preferred and why. All insertions were successful on the first attempt. The i-gel® was significantly faster than its competitors with a mean insertion time of 12.3s. Due to the speed and ease of insertion, 63% of students named the i-gel® as their preferred airway.
Link to abstract.
Piraccini E, Bartolini A, Agnoletti V, Corso R, Gambale G, Vicini C. Am J Emerg Med 2010; 28(7): 840-41
This case report describes the successful use of an i-gel® for a 24-year-old ENT patient in a Columbian hospital. An initial attempt at direct laryngoscopy failed because of a lack of the necessary tools; a size two Miller blade was the only adult blade available. A size three i-gel® was subsequently inserted and immediately established airway patency to facilitate intubation.
Abstract text
Bobrow B J, Ewy G A, Clark L, Chikani V, Berg R A, Sanders A B, Vadeboncoeur T F, Hilwig R W, Kern K B. Ann Emerg Med 2009; 54(5): 656-62
Retrospective analysis of statewide out-of-hospital cardiac arrests on over 1000 patients receiving either passive ventilation or bag-valve-mask ventilation treatment by paramedics. Adjusted neurologically intact survival between ventilation techniques was the main results category compared. Passive ventilation proved more successful under the terms used.
Abstract text