Kim JG, Kim W, Kang GH, Jang YS, Choi HY, Kim H, Kim M. Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2018 Mar 30;5(1):29-34.
This prospective randomised crossover study was carried out to evaluate the performance and efficacy of the i-gel blind intubation (IGI) in airway management for pre-hospital trauma patients. Here, two blind intubation techniques were assessed (by 18 paramedics) using two supraglottic airway devices (IGI and LMA Fastrach) and a Macintosh laryngoscope (MCL).
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Clin Exp Emerg Med,
Kim JG,
Randomised cross over study,
Airway management,
emergency care,
Emergency medicine,
Trauma ,
blind intubation,
vs LMA Fastrach,
vs Macintosh laryngoscope
Sen S, Mitra K, Ganguli S, Mukherji S. Anesth Essays Res. 2018 Jan-Mar;12(1):288-290
Peri-operative management of patients with haemophilia involves the risks of excessive bleeding. This is especially true when securing the patient’s airways during anaesthesia with standard instrumentation (e.g. direct laryngoscopy), as this could lead to severe haemorrhage. Therefore, this case study assessed the efficacy of the i-gel in the airway management of a patient with haemophilia undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Link to abstract.