Jagannathan N, Sohn L, Ramsey M, Huang A, Sawardekar A, Sequera-Ramos L, Kromrey L, De Oliveira GS. Can J Anaesth. 2015 Jun;62(6):587-94
96 children aged one month to six years were randomised into either i-gel or air-Q groups, with time to successful tracheal intubation the primary end point. Both served as effective conduit devices in this scenario.
Link to abstract
Jang YE, Kim YC, Yoon HK, Jeon YT, Hwang JW, Kim E, Park HP. J Anesth. 2015 Jun;29(3):338-45
37 patients were randomly allocated to either a dexmedetomidine or control (saline) group. Authors conclude that preoperative dexmedetomidine reduced the EC50 of propofol.
Link to abstract
Bernhard M, Benger JR. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2015 Jun;21(3):183-7
An evaluation of latest scientific evidence regarding airway management during in- and out-of-hospital CPR.
Link to abstract
Tags :
Bernhard M,
Benger J ,
Curr Opin Crit Care,
Airway management,
In-hospital cardiac arrest,
in-hospital CPR,
cardiac arrest,
vs Portex Soft Seal