i-gel® from Intersurgical: clinical evidence listing

A comprehensive list of all known published clinical evidence on the device

Observation of ventilation effects of I-gel™, Supreme™ and Ambu AuraOnce™ with respiratory dynamics monitoring in small children

Gu Z, Jin Q, Liu J, Chen L. J Clin Monit Comput. 2016 Aug 4. [Epub ahead of print]

105 patients were including in this paediatric study, with primary outcomes including leak pressure and respiratory dynamic data. Authors conclude that the 'i-gel presented a better sealing effect and fewer adverse reactions.'

Link to abstract

Retrospective cohort investigation of perioperative upper respiratory events in children undergoing general anesthesia via a supraglottic airway

No HJ, Koo BW, Oh AY, Seo KS, Na HS, Ryu JH, Lee SW. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Jul;95(28):e4273.

Observational analysis of medical records of previous anaesthetic procedures at one university hospital. Comparison of the two anaesthetic agents included use of four supraglottic airways: LMA Flexible, LMA Supreme, LarySeal and i-gel.

Link to abstract

Randomised comparison of the effectiveness of the laryngeal mask airway supreme, i-gel and current practice in the initial airway management of out of hospital cardiac arrest (REVIVE-Airways): a feasibility study

Benger J, Coates D, Davies S, Greenwood R, Nolan J, Rhys M, Thomas M, Voss S. Br J Anaesth. 2016;116(2):262-8

A cluster randomised trial of paramedics within one ambulance service in England over a 12-month period, split into groups using either the i-gel or LMA Supreme or usual practice for all patients with non-traumatic adult OHCA. Primary outcome was study feasibility, including recruitment and protocol adherence. Secondary outcomes included survival to hospital discharge and to 90 days. 184 of 535 paramedics consented, with 615 patients recruited. The LMA Supreme arm was suspended following 'adverse incidents'. No differences were reported in secondary outcomes.

Link to abstract

Assessment of suitability of i-gel and laryngeal mask airway-supreme for controlled ventilation in anesthetized paralyzed patients: A prospective randomized trial

Radhika KS, Sripriya R, Ravishankar M, Hemanth Kumar VR, Jaya V, Parthasarathy S. Anesth Essays Res. 2016;10(1):88-93

Patients were split into i-gel and LMA Supreme groups, with insertion attempts, time and any manoeuvres needed forming outcomes, along with peak inspiratory pressure (PIP).  LMA-S was inserted successfully in more patients, but with no significant difference in PIP.

Link to abstract

Application of the LMA-Supreme™ and i-gel™ laryngeal masks during pelvic operations in adults

Wang F, Zhang R. Asian J Surg. 2016 Jan;39(1):1-5

90 patients divided into two groups, i-gel and LMA Supreme. Latter group required less time to insertion and gastric tube indwelling time, but i-gel group had fewer complications. Authors conclude both devices are safe and effective for this procedure.

Link to abstract