Metterlein T, Dintenfelder A, Plank C, Graf B, Roth G. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2017 Mar - Apr;67(2):166-171
Random assignment of 52 adult patients to different supraglottic devices, from: Laryngeal Tube, LMA, i-gel, LMA Unique, LMA Supreme and Aura-once. After successful ventilation, device positioning was examined to assess glottic opening. Glottic view ranged from 40% for Laryngeal Tube to 90%, with i-gel recording 70%.
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An J, Nam SB, Lee JS, Lee J, Yoo H, Lee HM, Kim MS. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jan;96(1):e5801
Authors conducted a specialised search of study databases for eligible randomised controlled trials, setting device insertion time and first-attempt insertion success rate as their primary outcomes. In the 14 RCTs included, i-gel was faster than the majority of other supraglottic airways, with only three others recording shorter insertion times. Authors concluded that the 'unapparent advantage' of insertion success rate indicated the need for further evidence gathering in this area.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
An J,
Medicine (Baltimore),
Insertion success rate,
Fast insertion time,
vs LMA,
vs LMA Fastrach,
vs ProSeal,
vs LMA Unique,
vs Laryngeal tube ,
vs Combitube,
vs EasyTube,
vs LMA Supreme,
vs aura-i,
vs air-Q,
Manikin study
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Landsdalen HE, Berge M, Kristensen F, Guttormsen AB, Søfteland E. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2017 Jan;61(1):23-30
An observational study using Tracheal intubation Assisted by Bronchoscopy And Sad during Continuous Oxygenation (TABASCO) method through the i-gel. Easy intubation was secured in all patients with no adverse events recorded.
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Baratto F, Gabellini G, Paoli A, Boscolo A. Am J Emerg Med. 2017 Jan 26
Report of two cases of attempted suicide by firearm managed with the use of the i-gel O2 Resus Pack. In both patients, laryngoscopy attempts failed before an i-gel was inserted and either fibreoptic-assisted intubation or fibreoptic bronchoscopy were performed. Authors conclude that the i-gel's properties mean the device could easily be used by untrained rescuers and might perform an important role during out-of-hospital emergency.
Link to abstract.
Tags :
Baratto F,
Am J Emerg Med,
I-gel O2 Resus Pack,
Fibreoptic intubation,
out-of-hospital emergency,
Emergency medicine,
Difficult Airways,
Conduit for intubation
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Lai CJ, Liu CM, Wu CY, Tsai FF, Tseng PH, Fan SZ. BMC Anesthesiol. 2017 Jan 6;17(1):3
Randomised controlled trial of 40 patients divided equally between i-gel and ETT groups. Leak fraction was the primary outcome, defined as leak volume divided by inspired tidal volume. In the LPT position, no difference was recorded in the leak fraction. In the i-gel group there was 'notably less' leakage in LPT position than in supine - this difference was not observed in the ETT group. Incidence of postoperative sore throat was significantly lower in the i-gel group.
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